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Gennaio 24, 2018
3 minuti.

Visita del Museo della Tanzanite

Con il suo colore blu intenso e le sue sfumature violacee, la tanzanite è una delle pietre più belle gemme blu known to the world found in the Tanzanite Museums. A symbol of elegance, sophistication, and boldness, owning and complementing your outfits with a piece of tanzanite jewelry is sure to make you stand out in a crowd. However, Tanzanite has more to offer than just a pretty look.

The Tanzanite Experience Tanzanite museum

Il museo della tanzanite

Se siete già stati all'unico posto al mondo Museo della Tanzanite ad Arushaallora dovete sapere tutte le ragioni per cui la tanzanite è un tale pezzo unico e prezioso di gioielli. If you haven’t, here are some of the best features highlighted throughout the tour of our Tanzanite museum.


Il valore di una pietra della Tanzanite è profondamente legato alla storia del suo popolo. Trovata ai piedi del monte Kilimanjaro, si dice che la pietra sia stata scoperta per la prima volta nel 1967 da Jumanne Ngoma, un mandriano locale che individuò un cristallo blu brillante e condivise la sua scoperta con il cercatore di gemme Manual D'Souza.

Originariamente e scientificamente chiamata Zoisite blu a causa della sua composizione, è solo dopo alcuni anni che la pietra è stata rinominata Tanzanite dal suo paese d'origine. La gemma Tanzanite ha da allora occupato un posto significativo nel patrimonio e nella crescita del popolo della Tanzania.

Tanzanite museum with the History


Among the most attractive features of Tanzanite is its rarity. The tectonic activity, intense heat, and mineral composition which created the blue zoisite are said to be so improbable they are considered a geological phenomenon. Geologists have estimated the possibility of finding another Tanzanite deposit in the world as impossible, making the Kilimanjaro region its only source with mines which are expected to run out in the next 10 to 20 years.

This factor makes Tanzanite one of the rarest and most mesmerizing gems in the world. Even said to be a thousand times rarer than a diamond, the stone has incredibile valore da collezione dalle leggi della domanda e dell'offerta.


While you would expect such a rare stone to be impossibly expensive, Tanzanite remains fairly affordable in comparison to other gems. Evaluated on factors such as carat weight, grading, color, and cut among others, the gemstone remains a worthwhile investment asset that will keep on gaining value over time.

The Affordability of Visiting The Tanzanite museum


Passing on a family heirloom is a sign of love, affection, pride, and continuity symbolizing the handing down of family heritage. In this optic, what better token of your unique love than the gemstone of a generation? The rarity, beauty, and collectability of the Tanzanite is the perfect symbol to honor this tradition and pass on a valuable heritage to future generations.

Tanzanite museum explains about the Heirloom


Turning your gaze back to ancient Greece, Europe, and the old ages, you’ll come across this unique healing practice which is still fairly popular today. Litoterapia or stone healing is the belief that specific gemstones hold different attributes, and powers and benefit their wearer. Tanzanite is said to be a stone of good fortune and prosperity which holds physical and mental benefits. For example, wearing a tanzanite jewel is said to favor a positive effect on the brain, nervous system, skin and bones, liver, and more. It is also believed to stimulate imagination and creativity while strengthening memorization skills and developing intuition.

Tanzanite museum explaining about the Lithotherapy

Perché aspettare ancora?

Visit the Museo della tanzanite for a Beautiful, rare, soulful, and investment-worthy, the Tanzanite is one of the most intriguing and desirable gems in the world. If you are already convinced, have a look at our online catalog and acquire the gem or jewel of your choice in a few simple steps.

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Il Tanzanite Experience
Via dell'India, trama # 35/E
3° piano, piazza Blu
Casella postale 2706
Arusha, Tanzania
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