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Responsabilizzare economicamente le donne Masai dando loro le competenze per fare gioielli e beneficiare tutta la loro famiglia.
We felt that our vision to provide the most elegant and authentic Tanzanite pieces worldwide would not be fulfilled without the unique jewelry created by the powerful and talented Maasai women living in rural Arusha. 

These inspiring women continue to encourage us every day by taking what they learn from past workshops and other inspirations to create remarkable pieces of their own, and we continue to celebrate them by showcasing their designs. The proceeds generated from selling these pieces go straight back to Maasai Ladies, empowering them to be self-sufficient and not dependent on other non-sustainable revenue streams. This is just the beginning, you can also contribute to this initiative by supporting the wrok and dedication of more and more Maasai women in our communities in Rural Tanzania. 

By showcasing their beautiful pieces, we build exposure by creating a platform where their hard work can be put on display and rewarded. We hope that this visibility inspires our customers to make their mark by buying some of these, not only because they are unique and beautiful, but because the lives of many are changed with every purchase.

I Masai celebrano la loro profonda e vibrante cultura attraverso audaci tonalità di blu e rosso, danze e canzoni tradizionali. Questi tratti della loro personalità e dei loro costumi risplendono attraverso i loro gioielli audaci e creativi.

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Address: Blue plaza, 3rd Floor, India Street , Plot 35/E, P.O.Box: 2706, Arusha, Tanzania.
© Copyright 2024 The Tanzanite Experience Ltd.
Ufficio principale
Cura e riparazione del prodotto

Il Tanzanite Experience
Via dell'India, trama # 35/E
3° piano, piazza Blu
Casella postale 2706
Arusha, Tanzania
Unisciti a noi
© Copyright 2025 The Tanzanite Experience Ltd.