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Maggio 15, 2023
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Lithotherapy: The Powers of Tanzanite (Updated 2023)

Lithotherapy,  commonly known as the art of using stones and crystals as an energy healing therapy, is an ancestral practice founded on the belief that stones have very specific vibrations and frequencies that can treat illness, unlock chakras, trigger auras, and attract positive energies. Whether obsidian, amethyst, tanzanite, or simple quartz, multiple stones have been recognized for their emotional and physical healing properties.

Still, nowadays, this practice has remained fairly common and become even more detailed and elaborate. The frequency of specific quartz, stones, and gems can now be determined making it easier to uncover the real meaning of Lithotherapy by selecting the right artifacts tailored to your needs or your desired outcomes based on their curative properties.

But how does Lithotherapy work? How can I benefit from Lithotherapy? The process begins with introspection. Take the time to identify what is missing from your life before looking at the properties of a thousand stones. Once you have analyzed the areas of your life you wish to improve, find the right stone or stones to help achieve these goals. Based on your desires, specialists can easily guide you toward the stones which will best contribute to your healing, protection, nourishment, and more.

Origin of Lithotherapy

From Greek Lithos: “stone” and therapeuein, “Treat”, lithotherapy finds its roots in Mesopotamia and other ancient civilizations where stones and medicinal herbs were used for their therapeutic virtues since stones can transfer positive energies depending on their specific properties.

lithotherapy stones collection

Thus, people have used stones for generations to attract positive vibrations and outcomes by wearing the gems as ciondoli, anelli e bracciales or simply by placing them at specific locations around their houses, workplaces, and more.

Litho-therapeutic stones have been associated with a multitude of benefits ranging from curing physical ailments, improving sleep, reducing stress and anxiety, boosting confidence and emotional wellness to increasing blood cell counts, improving the skin, and even helping intuition and fortune.


Since the old ages, numerous witnesses have attested to the healing and protective powers of Lithotherapy. Aristote, Pine The Ancient, Dioscorides, and even later, Marbode, Albert the Great, and Conrad von Megenberg, all corroborated the miraculous treatment and prevention of some diseases to the properties of stones.

Sotto il potere della chiesa in Europa, questi poteri furono abbandonati per evitare l'associazione con le pratiche Paien. Tuttavia, gli istruiti Badessa Hildegarde de Bingen (1098 - 1179) ribadisce, nel suo libro Physica, i poteri della Litoterapia e incoraggia più persone a beneficiare dei suoi effetti. Il libro copre il carattere e gli attributi curativi di circa 24 pietre preziose. Secondo lei, la creazione delle pietre, che coinvolge il fuoco e l'acqua, infonde alle gemme le proprietà di entrambi questi potenti elementi naturali.

usage of Tanzanite for lithotherapy

Tanzanite e litoterapia

While most stones, quartz, and gems have a long history of lithotherapy, Tanzanite è un'aggiunta abbastanza nuova alla pratica per la semplice ragione che è stata scoperta solo recentemente.

First found at the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro in Mererani in 1967, the Tanzanite stone is among the latest rare precious stones discovered and is expected to si esaurirà nei prossimi decenni dandogli incredibile valore collezionistico.

Despite its youth, Tanzanite has little to envy other stones. Already well-appreciated for its intense blue, red, and violet hues, Tanzanite is also well-known in the lithotherapy practice for its wholesome properties due to the incredibly rare mineral, geological and thermal combination required for its creation.

Benefici fisici della tanzanite:

I benefici fisici della pietra Tanzanite coprono una vasta gamma di aree problematiche. Per beneficiare di tutte le sue proprietà, il Pietra tanzanite is best worn on yourself as a ring, pendant, bracelet, or earring. When worn, the stone is known to have a favorable effect on eyes and ears, as well as promote the activation of the brain for a sharp and agile mind.

The mineral also helps by facilitating the work of your kidneys and increasing circulation to the nervous system. It is recognized to stimulate cell regeneration leading to noticeable benefits to the skin and bones.

benefits of Tanzanite lithotherapy

Benefici psicologici della tanzanite:

A un livello più psicologico, il Tanzanite è noto per stimolare l'immaginazione e la creatività rendendolo un alleato fidato per gli artisti. Quando si è in cerca di ispirazione, la tanzanite è stata elogiata per aiutare la manifestazione dell'arte in tutte le sue forme, tra cui la pittura, la musica e la scrittura. 

Pietra dell'autorealizzazione e del rinnovamento, la tanzanite influenza anche la curiosità e il coraggio di lottare per le proprie idee. Attingendo alla propria personalità, la pietra minerale spinge a superare se stessi scavando più a fondo nei propri tratti interiori positivi e nei sogni e aspirazioni più idealistici.

The stone of spiritual elevation, Tanzanite acts as a soothing companion guiding you on the path of wisdom and enlightenment. The stone helps develop intuition and sensory perception to gently push you through daily obstacles and hurdles. Some varieties are even associated with the heightened ability to find light in the darkness through foresight and clairvoyance.

L'effetto placebo

Mentre gli scienziati hanno difficoltà a quantificare gli effetti della litoterapia, essa è spesso collegata al 'Effetto placebo'. Secondo la ricerca, anche l'uso di placebo (medicina inerte) can get the mind to trigger the body’s healing properties by making it think that it took medicine that will cure it. Similarly, above lithotherapy and its properties, some of its effects can be attributed to the Placebo effect. Lithotherapy and its multiple gemstones and minerals thus act as the catalyst that kindles the growth of healing substances in the body and the realignment of the mind offering a new perspective, intuition and hope for the future.

Tanzanite jewelry ring lithotherapy

Investite nella vostra crescita e nel vostro sviluppo scegliendo il Gioielli di tanzanite che risuona meglio con voi. Il nostro Catalogare offers a plethora of options of varying hues, carats, cuts, and more for a highly personal gem to accompany you on your journey.

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Via dell'India, trama # 35/E
3° piano, piazza Blu
Casella postale 2706
Arusha, Tanzania
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