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12 de febrero de 2018
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Tanzanita: Gema azul, belleza exquisita.

Tanzanite is one of the most unique and desirable gemstones currently known around the world. Its rarity and preciousness can be directly linked to the exclusivity of its source. These deep blue-violet gems can only be found in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro. Tanzanite, thus, acquired its name as a symbol of pride for its country of origin, Tanzania.

There are a few mining bases located around the Mererani hills at the foot of the mountain in the city of Arusha. According to experts, the current supply of gemstones has decreased significantly over the years. This unique stone will be a rare commodity in the next 25 to 30 years making it “la piedra preciosa de la generación".

There is a high chance that this will be the last generation to mine, wear and buy first-hand Tanzanite gemstones before the supply runs out. The gemstone’s limited scarcity has made it a thousand times rarer than diamonds, making it all the more special.

La historia de la tanzanita

En 1967, un pastor maasai se topó con las piedras preciosas mientras caminaba cerca del pie del monte Kilimanjaro. Al principio pensó que se había topado con zafiros de colores, pero más tarde se confirmó que se trataba de una nueva variedad de gemas. Los célebres joyeros neoyorquinos Tiffany & Co. popularizaron la nueva piedra preciosa aproximadamente un año después de su descubrimiento y acuñaron su nuevo nombre, Tanzanita, como muestra de su herencia.

La mayoría de las piedras preciosas más populares del mundo han sido descubiertas y utilizadas durante cientos de años. La tanzanita, por el contrario, ha saltado a la palestra hace pocos años. A pesar de haberse formado hace unos 585 millones de años, la gema no fue desenterrada y utilizada en cantidades comerciales hasta principios de la década de 1960.

Una piedra vibrante

Tanzanita is trichroic in nature, which means that it can radiate different colors when positioned at different angles. For instance, under the midday sun, it radiates a deep blue hue while later on in the course of the day, it will radiate different colors from intense violet to pale lavender and sky blue. These colors include blue, purple, and red all of which combined give it a vibrant indigo color.

Ocasionalmente la gente puede comprar Joyas de tanzanita que es de color verde o rosa. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las joyas de tanzanita que se venden hoy en día son de color azul. El azul de la tanzanita se debe a pequeñas cantidades de vanadio en su estructura mineral de zoisita.

La tratamiento térmico que las joyas de tanzanita undergoes is very mild in comparison to the processes for other stones including sapphires and rubies. The world’s only Tanzanite Museum at the Tanzanite Experience will offer you a close-up view of the magical Tanzanite gemstones, and their process from the raw stone to the mesmerizing gem.

Aside from their vibrant color, Gemas de tanzanita are extremely durable which is why they are sold as earrings, pendants, and other jewelry items. They are resistant to impact and abrasions and can last for multiple generations. They come in different sizes. The small stones are cut for sale and larger stones are showcased in showrooms to be purchased by collectors and inversores.


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El Tanzanite Experience
Calle India , Parcela # 35/E
3er Piso, Plaza Azul
apartado de correos 2706
Arusha, Tanzania
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