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Términos y condiciones


Definiciones e interpretaciones

1.1 En estas condiciones:

La referencia a "nosotros" y "nos" es una referencia a The Tanzanite Experience Ltd.
La referencia a "usted" es una referencia al comprador de los Productos de nosotros.
"Contrato" significa el contrato entre nosotros para la venta y compra de los Productos que incorpora estos Términos y Condiciones.
"Mercancías" significa las prendas y otros artículos adquiridos por usted de nosotros.
"Condiciones" significa estos términos y condiciones.

1.2 These Terms are the only terms and conditions on which we contract for the sale of Goods and they form an integral part of the Contract between us. If we agree to vary any of the terms, the variation must be in writing confirmed by our duly authorized representative and by you.


2.1 El precio de los productos que se indica en nuestro sitio web es libre de impuestos.

2.2 The cost of packaging and postage/carriage is shown separately and (in the case of special or overseas orders) will be quoted by us on request and payable separately from the price of the Goods. The amount is normally about  USD 70 to USD 150.

Pedido de mercancías

3.1 You warrant to us that all information that you are required to provide when ordering Goods online is accurate and complete in all respects at the time of the order and that this information relates to you/the person placing the order and not to any third party.

3.2 Cuando se realiza un pedido en línea, la confirmación del pedido emitida por la empresa que compensa el pago con tarjeta de crédito/débito no constituye la aceptación de su pedido por nuestra parte. Nos reservamos el derecho de comprobar cualquier discrepancia y un pedido sólo será confirmado cuando sea verificado por nosotros.

3.3 Cualquier error en el proceso de pedido debido a razones técnicas o de otro tipo que escapen a nuestro control nos da derecho a no considerar el pedido como vinculante para nosotros.


Si realiza un pedido, tendrá que proporcionarnos información personal. No revelaremos esa información a ningún tercero sin su consentimiento, excepto para procesar el pedido y organizar la entrega y en ocasiones limitadas como se indica en nuestra Privacy policy. No almacenamos los datos financieros de nuestros clientes.


5.1 All payments for Goods and the cost of packaging and delivery must be made before the Goods are delivered.

5.2 Payment online will be made by credit card, debit card, Paypal or Bank transfer.


6.1 Le daremos una fecha estimada de entrega de los Productos, pero no se garantiza ninguna hora o fecha proporcionada por nosotros.

6.2 Nos encargaremos del embalaje y decidiremos el método de entrega, ya sea por correo, mensajería u otro medio.

6.3 You must notify us promptly and in any event within 48 hours of receipt of any Goods if they appear to be damaged in transit. In those circumstances, you must also keep all packaging as this may be required when making a claim.

Returns of Faulty goods

7.1 If you wish to return a damaged item please email us at [email protected] to notify us of the return within 48 hours of receiving the jewelry. We will review your case and accept the return only if it’s genuine. Our team will then discuss with you whether you would like a refund or receive a new piece. 

7.2 No se aceptará la devolución de artículos sin previo aviso por escrito.

7.3 You must take reasonable care of all Goods in your possession and return them to us, appropriately packaged to avoid damage, within 48 hours from the cancellation date. We reserve the right to arrange collection, in which case you will be responsible for collection charges.

7.4 Le reembolsaremos el precio de compra en un plazo de 30 días a partir de la notificación de cancelación, pero nos reservamos el derecho a cobrar una tasa de reposición de existencias y cualquier otro coste en el que incurramos en relación con la devolución de los Productos.

7.5 In the case of Goods which are made and supplied to your specifications or which have been personalized for you, you will not have the right to cancel the Contract.

7.6 Los artículos deben devolverse en su embalaje original para garantizar su adecuada protección durante el transporte.

7.7 Los artículos deben devolverse nuevos, sin usar y con todas las etiquetas puestas. Las devoluciones que estén dañadas o sucias no se aceptarán y podrán ser devueltas al cliente.

7.8 Goods are classified as faulty if they are received damaged. Please note that items that are damaged as a result of wear and tear are not considered to be faulty. 

7.9 If you would like to exchange a faulty item, please be aware that we can only replace it for the same product in the same color and style, subject to availability. Where possible, we will offer to repair faulty items.

Devoluciones tardías

8.1 Goods returned outside of the above timeframes will not accepted and will be returned to the customer.

Riesgo y propiedad

9.1 The risk of loss or damage to Goods passes to you upon delivery.

9.2 Ownership in all Goods remains with us until full payment of all amounts due to us has been received from you.

9.3 You will be responsible for the safe custody and insurance of all Goods in your possession.

9.4 You have no right to re-sell any Goods until payment has been received in full by us.

Garantías y responsabilidades

10.1 We warrant to you that the Goods ordered by you will meet the description as shown on our website (or any other description given to you in writing).

10.2 We will not have any responsibility for any damage which occurs to the Goods after delivery.

10.3 If any defect in any Goods appears within 48 hours of receipt, you must notify us as soon as you become aware of the defect, giving us full details. We will then decide, in consultation with you, whether the defect is our responsibility. If so, we may arrange either to repair the Goods or to replace them with similar Goods. Any defective Goods to be returned to us must be returned at your expense.

10.4 We do not accept any responsibility for any wear and tear, accidental damage or failure by you or by any third party to adhere to any written recommendation provided in relation to the Goods.

10.5 Liability to you for loss or damage under no circumstances must exceed the total amount you have paid us for those Goods. (However, we acknowledge that we cannot exclude legal liability for death or personal injury which is proved to be due to our negligence).


11.1 If you wish to give us any notice relating to a matter covered by these Terms, whether you telephone us or not, you must confirm that notice in writing. In the case of email notices, these should be sent to [email protected] and you must send them so as to return an acknowledgment of receipt. Notice may be sent by post to – The Tanzanite Experience Ltd., Blue Plaza, 3rd Floor, India St., PO Box 2706, Arusha, Tanzania

Incumplimiento del cliente

Si tú:

  • nos proporcione información personal incorrecta, o
  • no efectuar ningún pago a su vencimiento, o
  • cancelar cualquier pago, o
  • se declare insolvente, o
  • cometer cualquier infracción de las presentes Condiciones

En cualquiera de estos casos, tendremos derecho a rescindir el Contrato y recuperar la posesión de los Bienes que se hayan suministrado y cuyo pago no se haya recibido en su totalidad.

Fuerza mayor

We will not have any liability to you if we are prevented from performing any of our obligations on account of any circumstances beyond our reasonable control which include, but are not limited to, extreme weather conditions, acts of God, terrorism, war, strike or difficulty in obtaining materials and/or labor. In any of these circumstances, we reserve the right to terminate the Contract.


14.1 Severance: If any provision in these Terms is held by a court to be unenforceable, that will not affect the remaining provisions of the Terms.

14.2 Entire Agreement: These Terms govern our relationship with you and in accepting them, you confirm that no other arrangement, agreement, or representation applies.

14.3 Assignment: We reserve the right to assign any of our rights or obligations under the Contract with you to a third party on the basis that the existing contractual terms will become the responsibility of that third party. You will not assign your rights without first getting our written consent.

Intellectual property

Cuando los Productos incluyen diseños u obras de arte, éstos han sido elaborados por un diseñador o artista que posee los derechos de autor de dichas obras. Usted no tiene derecho a realizar copias o adaptaciones de dichos Productos.


16.1 If there is a dispute which we cannot settle by direct negotiation it may be referred to mediation if agreed between us. In that event, the mediation will be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Tanzanian authorities.

16.2 Any dispute between us will be finally determined by the United Republic of Tanzania Courts and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of those to the jurisdiction of those courts.

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Address: Blue plaza, 3rd Floor, India Street , Plot 35/E, P.O.Box: 2706, Arusha, Tanzania.
© Copyright 2024 The Tanzanite Experience Ltd.
Oficina principal
Cuidado y reparación de productos

El Tanzanite Experience
Calle India , Parcela # 35/E
3er Piso, Plaza Azul
apartado de correos 2706
Arusha, Tanzania
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© Copyright 2025 The Tanzanite Experience Ltd.