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März 31, 2020
4 Minuten.

Der beste Schliff für Ihren Tansanitstein

Die Tansanit Stein is among the rarest and most beautiful blue gemstones in the world. From the Rohgestein, das tief unten in den Minen abgebaut wird to the sparkling mesmerizing gem you desperately desire around your finger, the Tanzanite is cut and polished expertly by our craftsmen. 

Die blauer Rohedelstein comes to life, releasing its brilliance with the help of our specialists. With their dazzling shine and the fiery intensity of their blues and purples, they are a perfect choice for any piece of jewelry from rings and earrings to necklaces and bracelets. 

However, each cut brings out a different aspect of the Tanzanite stone; its highlights, sparkle, range of colors, and so much more. There is no real perfect cut for Tanzanites, it is mostly up to the client’s eye.

To better understand the effect of cuts on a gemstone, you must first grasp the meaning of ‘Fire, Luster, and Brilliance’. These 3 terms are key factors in the grading of gemstones.

  • Feuer refers to the tendency of a gem to disperse light into different spectral colors.
  • Glanzbezieht sich jedoch auf die Art und Weise, wie das Licht von der Oberfläche des Edelsteins reflektiert wird.
  • Brillanzzeigt hingegen die Reflexion des Lichts im Inneren des Edelsteins an.

Hier sind einige der verschiedenen Schliffe, mit denen Sie Ihren Tansanitstein zur Geltung bringen können:

Round Tanzanite Stone

The ‘Round’ or ‘Round Brilliant is one of the most popular cuts for gemstones. Initially used mainly for diamonds, this cut has now been expanded to all kinds of gemstones, including the Tansanit Stein. Dieser Schliff hat 57 Facetten, die so geformt sind, dass sie die Brillanz und das Funkeln des Steins einfangen.

A bangle Made with Tanzanite stone

Marquise Tanzanite Stone



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Die 'Marquise Cut’ earned its name in the 18th century when King Louis XIV had a diamond shape into this specific cut for his mistress, the ‘Marquise de Pompadour’.

Over time, this cut has also been extended to the Tanzanite stone and various other gems. The ‘Marquise’ has 57 expertly cut facets giving it its brilliance and showing off its intricate color and sparkle. Symmetry and depth are some of the most important factors to maintain optimum light reflection and intensity of the color in this type of cut.

Tanzanite stone in A Tanzanite Ring

Princess Tanzanite Stone

The ‘Princess Cut’ is a square-shaped brilliant cut with facets ranging from 58 to 76. It portrays impressive luster, giving it an extra sparkle. This cut is the second most popular cut on the market, positioned just after the ‘Round Cut’.

An earing Made of Blue Gemstone

CushionTanzanite Stone

Der "Cushion Cut", früher als "Old Mine Cut" bekannt, war einer der am weitesten verbreiteten Edelsteinschliffe, die vor Ende des 19.th Jahrhundert. Seine quadratische Form mit sanft abgerundeten Kanten brachte ihm den neuen Namen "Kissenschliff" ein, der manchmal auch als "Pillow Cut" bezeichnet wird. Diese Form hat eine ungefähre Anzahl von 64 Facetten, die den unglaublichen Glanz und die Brillanz des Edelsteins erhalten. Dieser Schliff ist auch dafür bekannt, dass ein größerer Teil des Rohsteins verwendet wird als bei den meisten anderen Schliffen.


The ‘Pear Cut’ is also known as the ‘Teardrop Cut’ due to its oval shape with one pointed side. The modified brilliant cut with 71 facets reflects light inside the gem elegantly and showcases its deep blue color.

A pendant made of Tanzanite stone


The ‘Trilliant Cut’ is a triangular-shaped cut with slightly rounded edges. Its facets may vary from 31 to 43, giving it its famous brilliance and emphasizing the rich blue color of the Tanzanite. Its symmetrical shape and angles make the ‘Trilliant Cut’ a perfect choice for sophisticated jewelry.

The Tanzanite Ring Jewelry From The Tanzanite Experience


The ‘Oval Cut’ is also among the family of modified brilliant cuts, offering the fire and brilliance of a ‘Round Cut’, and a different unique style. Halfway between a ‘Round Cut’ and a ‘Marquise Cut’, the 69 facets of this cut and its elongated shape give the impression of a larger gem and a significant reflection of light inside the gem.

Ovaler Tansanit-Anhänger


The ‘Octagon Cut’, similar to an ‘Emerald Cut’, is a rectangular shape with trimmed corners. Its 53 facets are cut using a ‘step-cut’ method, whereby the gem is trimmed into wide flat step-like facets from all sides. This type of cut is ideal to highlight the deep natural color of Tanzanite.

Achteckiger Tansanit-Stein in Weißgold-Anhänger

However, inclusions can easily be seen in these types of cuts. It is thus important when selecting the gem for this cut to pick a stone that has extraordinary color and is without those small blemishes inside the gem.


Der "Heart Shaped Cut" ist ursprünglich ein "Birnenschliff" mit einer Spalte an der Spitze. Dieser Schliff ist beliebt, weil er das Feuer und das Funkeln in den Mittelpunkt stellt, aber auch wegen seiner Symbolik. Mit seinen 59 Facetten steht der Herzschliff" ganz im Zeichen der Symmetrie. Die Proportionen und der Schliff der beiden Herzhälften sollten perfekt symmetrisch sein und eine sehr scharfe Spalte mit sanft abgerundeten Seiten aufweisen. 

Tanzanite Stone earrings with heart shaped stone

Which is the Best Cut?

Yet, how do you choose from this plethora of shapes, sizes, and shades available in our stores? Which cut will bring out the gem’s shine and depth? Which one of these sumptuously cut gemstones will have what you are looking for? 

Dieser Leitfaden soll Ihnen helfen, den Schnitt zu wählen, der Ihrer Persönlichkeit und Ihrem Geschmack entspricht. Werfen Sie auch einen Blick auf unsere Tanzanite Experience catalog um das für Sie am besten geeignete Schmuckstück zu finden.

Beautiful Tanzanite Stone Made bracelet
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Das Tanzanite Experience
India Street, Grundstück # 35/E
3. Etage, Blauer Platz
Postfach 2706
Arusha, Tansania
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