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Tanzanite Gemstones: The Perfect Blend of Elegance And Rarity

Welcome to the world of rare gems- Tanzanite. Found exclusively in the East African country- Tanzania, Tansanit-Edelsteine beat every other gemstone with their rarity and elegance. At Tanzanite Experience, we make it possible for you to buy gemstones that are authentic, unique, and mesmerizingly beautiful to be real.

Also known as the "rare gemstones of the 20th century” Tanzanite gemstones are renowned for their unique blue-violet hue, making them the most sought-after rare gemstones in the world. Our collection showcases exclusive pieces, carefully selected for their rarity, elegance, quality, and remarkable color. We ensure your Tanzanite gemstones buying experience completes with you acquiring the truest of treasures- the Tanzanite.

Admiring The Rare Gemstone - Tanzanite

Tanzanite’s impressive beauty grows by multi-folds with the pleochroism feature this gemstone possesses. Tanzanite gemstones display a wide array of colors depending on the angle of the view. It can appear from deep blue to intense violet and even burgundy from certain angles.

What makes Tanzanite such a rare gemstone is its exclusive presence in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Its remarkable beauty paired with utter sophistication makes it the ideal gemstone for your fashion jewel collection.  Its elegance is further enhanced by its perfection and brilliance to appear naturally in the best shape and cuts from the mines.

The gemstone has been at the heart of jewelry connoisseurs and collectors as it is one of its kind gemstones that offers a colorful touch to the gemstone collection or jewelry profiles.

At Tanzanite Experience, we pride ourselves as the most credible online store to buy gemstones, especially Tanzanite. Our selection holds hand picked Tanzanite gemstones that present the best standards of craftsmanship and rarity.

Each Tanzanite gemstone is procured using ethical mining practices to ensure the natural environment offering us such rare gemstones is preserved and protected forever.

The Formation And Discovery Of Tanzanite Gemstones

The formation and discovery of Tanzanite is a phenomenal story set in the African nation of Tanzania. Tanzanite gemstones have been the center of attraction ever since it was first discovered and brought to the notice of mankind.

Formation of Tanzanite gemstones

Tanzanite is a derivative of the mineral zoisite and comes to life after undergoing the complex process of geological changes. It was around 585 million years ago that a tectonic activity occurred giving rise to the east African rift system in Tanzania. The result was ideal conditions for the production of Tanzanite under the earth’s levels.

Tanzanite is formed when metamorphic rocks rich in calcium and aluminum are exposed to high temperatures and pressure. These rocks when exposed to a rich, hot supply of fluids with chromium, vanadium, and several others for several years give birth to the rare gemstones we call Tanzanite.

Discovery of Tanzanite gemstones

Tanzanite was discovered in 1967 by a Maasai tribesman, Ali jumaat in the Merelani hills near Mount Kilimanjaro. As he stumbled upon the mesmerizing, bright blue crystals, he knew he had treasures in his hands. He brought the gemstones back to the local market and sold them off to a gem dealer Manuel D’souza.

Manuel was the one who recognized the true potential of Tanzanite gemstones and sent the samples to the gemological institute of America (GIA) which confirmed that the rare gemstone is indeed of great value.

Ever since Tanzanite gemstones have been the centre of the rare gemstone’s world and a prized gemstone that people desire to own.

It is time you buy the best Tanzanite gemstones to alleviate your style and create a statement with the boundless allure of Tanzanite. This rare gemstone embodies the perfect blend of elegance and rarity and at the Tanzanite experience, we ensure that you have access to the finest of the pieces.

Buy gemstones At Das Tanzanite Experience

With us, you can explore the premium world of rare gemstones and buy authentic Tanzanite gemstones. We appraise this exclusive gemstone using the 4c method which means you get the best pieces that possess the finest cut, clarity, color, and carat weight. We are happy to assist you in your quest to buy gemstones as premium and beautiful as the Tanzanite that exceeds your expectations but fit your budget.

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Immerse yourself in a world of beauty and brilliance with our exquisite collection of Tanzanite gemstones. 



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Address: Blue plaza, 3rd Floor, India Street , Plot 35/E, P.O.Box: 2706, Arusha, Tanzania.
© Copyright 2024 The Tanzanite Experience Ltd.
Produktpflege & Reparatur

Das Tanzanite Experience
India Street, Grundstück # 35/E
3. Etage, Blauer Platz
Postfach 2706
Arusha, Tansania
© Copyright 2025 The Tanzanite Experience Ltd.