Dai un'occhiata al nostro Nuovi arrivi: una varietà di selezioni ora disponibili!
Ottobre 4, 2023
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6 min.
Know About Tanzanite Color - How Does It Affect The Value
Tanzanite- the rarest of the gemstone- does not need any introduction. with Tanzanite Color jewelry has made its impression across the world, partly due to the many trendy designs available and largely due to the intriguing color of this mesmerizing […]
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Ottobre 2, 2023
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6 min.
Know The Importance Of Natural Tanzanite
Natural tanzanite stone is of great importance. The variety of mineral zoisite and tanzanite showcases beautiful colors ranging from violet to purple and ink blue. The stone was initially known as blue zoisite but was later named tanzanite by Tiffany […]
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Settembre 27, 2023
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6 min.
Shop The Tanzanite Earring Collection Online At Reasonable Prices
Tanzanite Earring made of Tanzanite Which is a rare gemstone that has beautifully carved its place in the gemstone world. These intricate, alluring, and one-of-a-kind gemstones showcase some exquisite features that no other gemstone can ever match. With a very […]
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Settembre 25, 2023
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6 min.
Tanzanite Pieces To Gift Your Mother Or Daughter On Their Special Day
Women, in any form, must be celebrated with Tanzanite Pieces. It is for women that there is so much love, positivity, and warmth in the world. Making their special day more special is something you can do to show your […]
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Settembre 19, 2023
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6 min.
How To Know The Difference between Tanzanite And Blue Sapphire
Considering buying a blue gemstone? Well, you might get confused with two identical-looking gemstones- Tanzanite and Blue Sapphire. They may look the same but there are a lot of differences that separate one from another. How you may ask so […]
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Giugno 30, 2023
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6 min.
Why Tanzanite Is Used In Fashion Jewelry Often?
Tanzanite or blue zoisite is one of the most exquisite gemstones found in the world. Showcasing blue, purple, or a bit of both color, this gemstone is revered across the world by gemstone collectors and enthusiasts. What makes it more […]
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Giugno 30, 2023
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6 min.
What Gemstones Are Found in Tanzania?
Tanzania is one of the most renowned gemstone mining locations in the world. The entire Tanzanian exploration in East Africa offers a wide variety of rich mineral deposits which attracts gemstone enthusiasts worldwide. The gemstones produced in Tanzania hold distinct […]
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Maggio 15, 2023
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4 min.
Lithotherapy: The Powers of Tanzanite (Updated 2023)
Lithotherapy,  commonly known as the art of using stones and crystals as an energy healing therapy, is an ancestral practice founded on the belief that stones have very specific vibrations and frequencies that can treat illness, unlock chakras, trigger auras, […]
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26 settembre 2022
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5 min.
Come differenziare la tanzanite vera e falsa?
Elegant, beautiful, sparkly, and timeless, gemstones have been a token of style and wealth for centuries, its best you know how to differentiate between Real and Fake Tanzanite. Some of these rare colorful stones have even been known to be […]
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6 settembre 2022
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5 min.
10 fatti da sapere sulla tanzanite
Tra le pietre preziose più rare e belle al mondo, la Tanzanite è diventata sempre più famosa per il suo fuoco, ipnotico velluto blu, e per la sua autenticità. Nonostante la sua giovane età, questa gemma ha molte caratteristiche uniche..
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Agosto 11, 2022
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6 min.
10 dei migliori gioielli di tutti i tempi.
Montate su intricate collane, incastonate in lucenti diademi e realizzate a mano in iconiche uova, le pietre preziose sono sempre state un simbolo di ricchezza, potere, raffinatezza e stile. Nel corso dei secoli, dai tempi di imperatori e re al tappeto rosso […]
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20 luglio 2022
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6 min.
Tanzanite and the Unique Jewels of Tanzania
La Tanzania e l'Africa orientale e meridionale, nel loro insieme, sono i produttori più significativi di oro, diamanti e altre pietre preziose. Ospitando la più grande pipa di kimberlite diamantata del mondo fino ad oggi, il valore del paese agli occhi del pubblico è cresciuto ancora di più […]
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Il Tanzanite Experience
Via dell'India, trama # 35/E
3° piano, piazza Blu
Casella postale 2706
Arusha, Tanzania
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© Copyright 2024 The Tanzanite Experience Ltd.